Yelowsoft helps The Black Ride to become a leading ride-hailing service in Ghana
About The black ride is one of the prominent ride-hailing services in Ghana. The black ride allows its passengers to ride in Ghana’s coolest cars by making requests via mobile apps or by simply making a phone call to their control centre. This service allows even those passengers to book a ride who don’t have the BR app on their phone. With the TBR app, the passengers can book both black rides as well as the regular clean taxis. Not only this, but the passengers can also schedule their ride for later dates too. The main objective of The Black Ride is to redefine the transport industry in Ghana with its advanced technology platform that connects drivers with riders in a clean and safe way. They believe that their venture would initiate a new professional environment which is the need of the hour in the country’s transportation industry. Moreover, they are also looking to generate employment for the people. They are aiming to provide 1000 jobs to Ghana’s youth by the year 2023. The...