Top 5 sureshot strategies for ride hailing businesses to grow post COVID-19

Nobody had ever imagined that the year 2020 would turn out to be such a nightmare. The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped everything in the world. Everyone was unable to go out for their jobs or education. Even the highly profitable businesses have started losing their grip over the markets. It had been tough for them to sustain themselves in the times of pandemic. Ride-hailing industry has also not been spared from the wrath of the coronavirus pandemic. Lockdown and social distancing regulations have forced people to stay at home. Due to which, the movement of people has been decreased over the roads. So the ride-hailing businesses have to suffer due to lack of passengers. Their idle man hours also increased. It has become hard for these companies to pay salaries to their drivers. They even have to retrench their staff to save their operational costs. However, the year 2020 was not so bad for us. The best thing that it taught us is to keep a backup plan asid...