The most comprehensive Mobility Solution for a taxi business

On-demands mobile apps are on the verge of revolutionizing every industry vertical from healthcare to food delivery, from logistics to entertainment. A subset of logistics industry—taxi operators—were among the first benefactors that gave rise to the revolution led by a $69 billion startup, we call today, Uber.

What are on-demand apps?

When you want to catch the latest episode of Game of Thrones, either you rush to switch on the satellite TV in your living room at exactly 9 PM every Sunday and tune into HBO or you open HBO Go app on your phone post dinner and watch it, no rush, no worries. The latter gives rise to on-demand apps development—you demand the content you wish to consume.
Likewise, when you want to hail a cab after drinking, white and blue, at a bar, the bartender won’t let you drive. That moment, either you stand on the causeway outside the bar, wait for an empty taxi to arrive and drop you home, or you take out your phone and let it book a taxi for you at the tap of a button. You did not go to the taxi; the taxi came for you.

How does on-demand app taxi apps work?

Modern on-demand taxi apps are based on the functionality of taxi dispatcher software that is delivered as white label mobility solution to startups, taxi and fleet business, government and enterprises, or whomsoever wants to manage a fleet.
A white label app is customized to a business’s needs while the dispatcher software complements the ‘on-demand’ part of the app.
Dispatcher software like Yelow Taxi essentially manages the allocation of a ride to a person demanding it. That ride could be anything from a bike to a motorbike, from a station wagon to a limousine.


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