Uber for X scams: How to stay away from them?

Uber can be credited as the pioneer of the On-demand services that we see in abundance today. Its advent of its Taxi Booking System was critical as it not only transformed the taxi industry but also laid a path for the entrepreneurs and developers to provide Uber for X services.

Soon after Uber we saw On-demand applications for food delivery, eCommerce, healthcare, logistics, professional services and many more.
All the entrepreneurs got busy in developing their own Uber for X services to boost their enterprise business.
But sadly, the rising demand of Uber for X services has also attracted scammers. As more and more techpreneurs look for Uber for X clone scripts, the number of scam companies selling fraudulent on-demand apps has also increased.

How does the scam occur?

It’s important to know that in this day and age of internet and technology where people are so aware of how these scams take place so easily and frequently? I would list out two factors resulting to this, which are: 1. Ignorance and 2. Lack of patience.
These two factors are also interrelated as one is the precursor of the other. When a techpreneurs is in a hurry to develop an Uber like app for its company then he/she might not be as careful as one must be, which gives birth to the ignorance.
On the other hand, an ignorant client won’t know the value of being patient and would go ahead with the deal anyway.
We discussed the psyche of the prey, now let’s discuss the psyche of the predator. The people who scam others know very well about the ignorance and lack of patient of the techpreneurs and thus take full advantage of it.
They make the techpreneurs believe in their company by showing them the websites and work which in reality doesn’t exists.


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